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3 ways to increase estrogen naturally

Jan 24, 2024Jan 24, 2024

Everyone knows their bodies will change with age — hair may turn gray, skin wrinkles and eyesight worsens. But hormonal changes are happening beneath the surface too. For people assigned female at birth, a decrease in estrogen can have a significant impact on how they feel.

Most people only think of estrogen as a reproductive hormone. Supporting reproductive organs and processes is its main function, but estrogen also plays a critical role in:

Fortunately, there are ways to combat low estrogen, and they don't all involve hormone replacement therapy (HRT) — treatments that contain female hormones. You may be able to boost your estrogen levels naturally by eating certain foods and taking herbal and vitamin supplements.

Read on, and then check with your primary care physician (PCP) to see if these solutions will work for you.

Estrogen levels typically start to dip during perimenopause — the period leading up to menopause (end of menstruation). But causes of low estrogen levels also include:

Hormone levels can vary depending on the day and the person — what's normal for you may not be the same as your friend, coworker or sister. Estrogen levels change according to your menstrual cycle, which tends to be irregular during perimenopause and non-existent after menopause.

Common symptoms of low estrogen include:

If you suspect low estrogen, your PCP can order a blood test. It's the only way to know whether your estrogen levels are low.

If you’re having symptoms associated with low estrogen, there are natural approaches you can take. Keep in mind that research on these solutions’ ability to effectively manage estrogen levels is limited.

Natural solutions that may improve low estrogen include:

All plants contain phytochemicals — compounds that work as antioxidants and offer protection from DNA damage. One group of phytochemicals, called phytoestrogens, mimics estrogen. When eaten, your body absorbs them during digestion and recognizes them as estrogen.

The most common phytoestrogens are:

Foods containing high levels of these specific phytoestrogens include:

Research suggests that phytoestrogens provide health benefits if you consume an average of 50 mg daily. That's about ½-cup of boiled soybeans.

Some vitamins and minerals help your body produce estrogen and use it more effectively. To increase your estrogen levels, consider adding:

There are supplements believed to reduce the symptoms of low estrogen. But supplements are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so talk to your PCP about any supplements you’re considering before taking them.

Natural supplements believed to affect estrogen levels include:

If you are concerned about your estrogen or other hormone levels, reach out to your primary care physician.

Fruits, Grains, Liquids derived from plants, Nuts and Seeds, Soy and soy products, Vegetables, Boron, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Black cohosh: DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone): Red clover: If you are concerned about your estrogen or other hormone levels, reach out to your primary care physician.